Stau si pling
Stau si pling

stau si pling

CEL DIN URMA ADIO, SUFLETE IUBIT PERDUT DIN A MEA TURMA. SOLIE CA POATE ORA TI-A SOSIT SA PLECI IN VESNICIE O! CLIPA POATE A MAI RAMAS E CEASUL. TA URITA DESCHIDE-MI EU DE AICI NU PLEC! TU MIEL PIERDUT DIN TURMA VOI BATE PINA VA SOSI AL VIETI CEAS DIN URMA! CU TINE! VREAU SA LOCUIESC E ULTIMA. ZAVORITA AS VREA SA INTRU CA SA SCHIMB VIATA. AITA DE MURDARA DE CE NU VREI? CA SA TI-O SCHIMBI DE CE MA LASI AFARA? EU TOTUSI, NU-NCETEZ SA BAT LA USA-TI. DESCHIDE-MI !PINA MAI E TIMP CIT STAU ,IN ASTEPTARE ALUNGA GINDUL CA ESTI DREPT SI CRUDA-TI ,NEPASARE O HAINA ALBA CE TI-AM DAT E!. TA-NCUIATA ASCULTA-MI GLASUL RAGUSIT E GLASUL SFINT DE TATA. IN ASTA LUME DE ANII DE ZILE, STAU SI PLING LA USA!. I cry and i drink in order to forget about you.the wind brings you close to me.i think i'd be able to forget you.if my heart stopped.i drink every day to forget you, i drink.i want to forget you till i die.i'm crying and i'm calling you and i lose myself.i don't see anything, i can see only you.i drink everyday to forget you, i drink.i want to forget you till i die.i'm crying and i'm calling you and i lose myself, i can't see anything.i see only you.i drink on the sea shore.because i want to forget you.and your face comes back with every wave.i sit and drink by the sea.because i want to forget you.and your face comes back with every wave.i drink every day to forget about you, i drink.till i die.i want to forget about you.i'm crying and i'm calling you and i lose myself.i don't see anything, i can see only you.i drink every day.i drink to forget you.till i die.i want to forget you.i'm crying and i'm calling you and i lose myself.i don't see anything, i can see only you.i drink and i cry to forget about you.the wind brings you close to me.i think i'd be able to forget you if my heart stopped.i cry and i drink to forget about you.the wind brings you close to me.i think i'd b able to forget you.if my heart stopped.i drink every day to forget about you.till i die.i want to forget you.i'm crying and i'm calling you.and i don't know anymore.i don't see anything, i see only you.i drink every day to forget about you, i drink.i want to forget you tilli die.i'm crying and i'm calling you and i lose myself.i don't see anything.i see only you.LA USA, TA STAU AZI SI BAT TE STRIG! INCET PE NUME COPILUL. Here you are, i guess it's the most stupid song i've ever translated and it's made out of 3 main sentences. sa uit de tine ang si te strig si nu mai stiu de vad nimic, te vad numai pe ang si beau sa uit de tine.vantul te-aduce la te uit cred c-as putea sa stea-n loc inima mea.plang si beau sa uit de tine.vantul te-aduce la te uit cred c-as stea-n loc inima mea.beau zi de zi sa uit de tine beau.pan-oi uit de tine ang si te nu mai vad nimic, te vad numai pe tine.beau zi de zi sa uit de tine beau, pan-oi murii sa uit de tine ang si te strig si nu mai stiu de vad nimic.te vad numai pe tïne

stau si pling stau si pling

nu vad nimic, te vad numai pe tine.beau zi de zi sa uit de tine beau.pan-oi muri sa uit de tine ang si te strig si nu mai stiu de mine nu vad nimic.te vad numai pe tine.stau si beau pe malul vreau sa te dau cu fiecare val, chipul tau se-ntoarce iar.stau si beau pe malul vreau sa te dau cu fiecare val, chipul tau se-ntoarce iar.beau zi de zi sa uit de tine beau.pan-oi uit de tine ang si te strig si nu mai stiu de vad nimic, te vad numai pe tine.beau zi de uit de tine beau.pan-oi murii. Plang si beau sa uit de tn.vantul te-aduce la te uit cred ca-s stea-n loc inima mea.beau zi de zi sa uit de tine beau.pan-oi muri sa uit de tine ang si te strig si nu mai stiu de mine.

Stau si pling